
Kerrigan O’Mally

Age: 24

Born: Ardpatrick, Ireland

Kerrigan O’Mally was born on a farm in rural Ireland. Her parents were part of a movement of traditionalists who entirely reject modern technology. The O’Mally’s grow their own food, tend flocks, and are all-around salt of the earth.

Always curious but expressly prohibited from any interaction with modern tech, Kerrigan would steal books and magazines whenever her family went into towns and cities to trade. When she was old enough, she started to steal electronic equipment. She would hide away for hours taking apart and putting things back together, often in new and novel forms. This gave Kerrigan a huge advantage compared to her peers when she applied to Dublin Polytechnic.

Thanks to her childhood experiences, along with an uncanny ability to understand technologies new and old, O’Mally was at the top of her class. But upon graduation, she found that many held biases against her due to her background and finding work was incredibly difficult.

Taking whatever jobs she could find, O’Mally became a tinker. By repairing antique equipment, she was able to finance her own inventions. While none found commercial success, they did catch the eye of the sponsor of The Majestic program.

Hired by The Boss at the last minute, O’Mally had almost no time to learn about The Majestic, but feels she is more than up for the challenge.


Doctor Jonathan Carver


Stuart Allen Moss